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public口语怎么读 wechat要大写吗?




例句:我能加你微信吗?Could I have your WeChat?另外,微信的官方翻译是Official accounts。
其实外国人口语习惯用public accounts。还有也是官方翻译,是订阅号的意思。“群昵称”:官方用的是alias,而不是nickname。


I sat my five-year-old down on what was an apparently vacant seat quite near the doors and immediately this man told me this seat is taken. So we moved and we ended up stood by the toilets for the rest of the journey with a bike shoved into my legs. It was quite unpleasant. My baby woke up and cried and she needed nursing back to sleep. I hovered by the priority seat hoping to be offered one. I tried to make eye contact with the people sat in the priority seats but they just blanked me.
爱心座位就是priority seat。priority的意思是:优先考虑的事,比如:
The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.管理部门似乎并不认为应优先考虑办公室安全问题。
My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live.我首先要考虑的是找个地方住。
You have to learn to get your priorities right/straight ( decide which are the most important jobsor problems and deal with them first).你必须学会先处理最重要的事。
Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans ( they deal with them first because they consider them most important).银行在发放贷款时通常优先考虑大企业。
Official business requirements obviously take/have priority over personal requests ( officialbusiness matters will be dealt with first).公事显然应放在私事之上。
