
被子英语发音 被子英语怎么说?



“被子”的英文:quilt。读音:英 [kwɪlt] 美 [kwɪlt]例句:

1、He picked apart an old quilt. 他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。

2、The goal is to complete the quilt. 目标是把被子全部涂成彩色。

3、Trembling with fear, he threw himself down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt. 他吓得发抖,趴在床上, 用被子蒙住了头。


被子的英语是:quilt,读音:英 [kwɪlt] 美 [kwɪlt] ;n.被子,棉被被状物;v.缝(被)用垫料填塞后缝拢东拼西凑地做用摘抄等方法编辑;vt.东拼西凑地编加软衬料后缝制;vi.缝被子;复数: quilts;例句:;

1.I will wash the quilt on Sunday. ;我星期天要洗被子了。;

2.He turned over and pushed aside his quilt. ;他翻了个身,被子掀在了一边。;

3.The quilt needs washing. ;这床被子该洗了。;扩展资料;被子的英语也可以写成:duvet或者comforter;duvet;读音:英[ˈdu:veɪ] 美 [duˈve, dju-] ;n.羽绒被被子;复数: duvets;comforter;读音:英 [ˈkʌmfətə(r)] 美 [ˈkʌmfərtə(r)] ;n.安慰者羊毛围巾增加对方痛苦的安慰者橡皮奶头被子


被子的英语是:quilt读音:英 [kwɪlt]     美 [kwɪlt]n. 被状物;被子v. 缝被;缝制;用垫料填塞词汇搭配1、spread one's quilt\t铺被子2、lie under one's quilt\t躺在被窝里3、Cashmere Quilt 羊绒被常见句型:1、The quilts and the blankets were neatly folded.被子和毯子叠得很整齐。2、Those quilts don't give you much protection against the cold.那些被子不能使你御寒。3、She beat the quilt to make it soft.她敲打被子好使它松软。1、近义词:duvet读音:英 ['duːveɪ] 美 ['duːveɪ]释义:n. 羽绒被例句:I don't think I can fit this duvet in my luggage.我想我没办法把这件羽绒被装进行李箱。2、近义词:bedquilt读音:英 ['bedkwɪlt]     美 ['bedkwɪlt]释义:n. 棉被例句:I feel so warm that a bedquilt is no need anymore!暖到我睡觉已经不用盖棉被了!